are used to destroy insects or organisms that pose a threat to cultivated
plants or animals.
$2.6 billion worth of pesticides are sprayed each year over cotton fields, this
equates to 10% of the global pesticide use.
use is causing harm to our environment, not only is it destroying the species
it is intended for it is killing other animals, plants and harming humans that
come into contact with them.
are extremely vulnerable when it comes to pesticides, pesticides have known to
cause many illnesses and diseases to children who have come into contact with
them such as autism, ADHD and pesticides can also cause birth defects.
estimated 20,000-40,000 people die of accidental pesticide poisoning each year.
use has been weakening our earth’s natural eco-systems for years and something
needs to be done before pesticide use causes extinction of animals and plants.
ban has been put on the use of a pesticide that is extremely harmful to bees
and is endangering the species. This ban has been imposed in Europe and is the
world’s first continent pesticide ban.
UK changed their vote last minute to a ‘no’ this was heavily criticised by many
environmental campaigners and other countries but the ‘no’ vote was still a
minority and the ban went ahead.
the use of this pesticide some people think that harm will be caused to food
crops and this was the reasoning behind the majority of the ‘no’ votes. Surely
technology has advanced and something other than pesticide use can be used in
cultivation on plants? Research on alternative processes needs to take place as
although we are heavily reliant on pesticide use we cannot keep harming our
environment and our natural eco-systems with the use of them.
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